Tales of insurrection from Orcadian history. By Fiona Grahame & Martin Laird. Illustrated hardback.
The Early History of a Danish/Norwegian and Scottish Royal Burgh, and a Study of its Royal Charters. By Spencer J, Rosie. Paperback.
A biography of Captain Cromarty (hailing from South Ronaldsay, Orkney), and his extraordinary life as mariner, pioneer settler, farmer, harbour pilot, navigator and explorer and respected citizen in colonial New South Wales. By Leslie Kilmartin. Paperback.
Rare wool, wild isles & one woman's journey to save Scotland's original sheep. The story of the remarkable little horned sheep known as the Orkney Boreray... By Jane Cooper. Hardback.
Life on a small Orkney Island. By Kirsty Sinclair. Large paperback with colour photos throughout.
Orkney and Caithness from AD 870 to 1470. By Barbara E. Crawford. Paperback.
Susan was always a bit of a nomad... she has now landed in Orkney. Will she settle? September 1944 and the war in Europe is stuttering on... Wren 94167, Mary Walker, is posted to Scapa Flow, Orkney, where there is bacon and eggs a-plenty... she is a wireless telegraphist and enjoys a busy social life. However, she still finds time to write home and tell...
The Buildings of Westray - An Orkney Island's snapshot in time. 2023 second edition, a new 'snapshot in time' illustrating all the changes since the 2002 edition. Westray Heritage Trust. Hardback.
Philip Paris now tells the full story of the extraordinary events surrounding the chapel's creation, and reveals secrets that have remained hidden since 1944. By Philip Paris Paperback 2023 re-print
Being Traits of Old Orkney Life. Written partly in Orkney Dialect. By Walter Traill Dennison. Transcription and translations by Eddie Sinclair and illustrations by Cassie Sinclair. Hardback.