
Cruise Arrivals


Scottish Water to look at accreditation scheme compliance costs

Scottish Water has agreed to look at how the cost of complying with a new accreditation scheme could be reduced for island-based building contractors.

Under the Water Industry Registration Scheme (WIRS), firms carrying out work for Scottish Water must be accredited with Lloyds Register. The costs involved, both in terms of registration and ongoing training requirements, are likely to be significant.

For larger, urban firms these costs can be spread over a range of often sizeable projects.  In places like Orkney, such opportunities do not exist.

Orkney MSP Liam McArthur said: “The cost of building in Orkney is already higher than on the mainland of Scotland. In the smaller islands, this can be as much as 50 per cent. Anything that threatens to increase these costs further, for no additional benefit, cannot be allowed to happen.”

Stephen Kemp, of Orkney Builders (Contractors) Ltd, added: “On the provision that we can finalise proposals with Scottish Water and Lloyds, a number of Orkney-based contractors will each save at least £25,000 in accreditation costs over the coming year. This is the only way that Orcadian industry will be able continue to be approved to lay water mains in Orkney.”