Appeal for crofting views

Orkney MSP Liam McArthur is inviting crofters, like status farmers and anyone else in Orkney with an interest in crofting regulation and support to provide their views on the pros and cons of current arrangements and their aspirations for the future.
Mr McArthur has distributed a survey covering a range of topics, including crofting grants, croft housing grants as well as more general issues of regulation.
The survey has been issued to crofters in Orkney who appear on a list provided by the Crofting Commission. It is also available to complete online.
While it will be available at Orkney’s agricultural shows over the summer, anyone who would like further details is encouraged to contact the constituency office in Kirkwall.
Commenting on the survey, Mr McArthur said: “While crofting is less prevalent in Orkney than in other parts of the Highlands & Islands, it is still an important part of life in our islands. I am regularly contacted by constituents who have run into problems with the way in which the current rules apply and lack of financial support now available.
“Given this growing frustration, I felt it would be helpful to get a more detailed understanding of what those affected by crofting legislation believe needs to happen going forward. This survey will enable constituents to highlight their experiences, whether in terms of de-crofting, tenancy issues, transfer of ownership, or many other matters.
“On the basis of the responses I receive, Tavish Scott and I will look to hold a further roundtable discussion later in the year before agreeing on proposals to take to Scottish Ministers.
“In the meantime, I would encourage anyone with an interest in participating, and who has not already received a copy of the survey to get in touch with my office. The more people who contribute to this debate locally the better able we will be to shape more appropriate regulations in the future.”