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Business mini-survey launched

Orkney businesses are being invited to take part in a mini survey aimed at exploring how the local business community is feeling about the future following an incredibly challenging last several months.

Run by Business Gateway and the Orkney Islands Council’s economic development team, the survey is aimed at teasing out where businesses feel additional support could be developed, and where there may have been gaps in funding during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stuart Allison, OIC economic development manager, oversees Business Gateway Orkney.

He said: “This survey is really aimed at getting a quick wellbeing check with our local businesses and identifying emerging ways we can help going forward — we want gather a snapshot of how they are meeting challenges of COVID and Brexit, and what issues are keeping them awake at night.

“The survey is designed to take only a few minutes complete — we’d urge businesses to look out for the link in local and social media and please complete it as soon as you come across it to help provide us with early insights.”

Its anticipated the survey may be repeated in October.

Councillor Graham Sinclair, chairman of OIC’s development and infrastructure committee said: “It’s important as many businesses as possible respond to this survey — the insights we’re given will help the Council and Business Gateway target services to best meet the local business community in coming months.”

The survey will run from June 1 until June 15 and is available via the OIC website www.orkney.gov.uk/cv-biz.

Respondents who are happy to leave contact details will be entered into a draw to win a £50 meal voucher for a restaurant of their choice, sponsored by Business Gateway.