• Kirkwall
  • Kirkwall Airport
  • Stromness
  • North Ronaldsay
  • South Ronaldsay

Cruise Arrivals


Business survey shows optimism for the future

The bulk of local businesses, who responded to a survey carried out by the OIC’s Business Gateway Service, said they were optimistic about their prospects for the coming year.

Four out of five said they were either very optimistic or fairly optimistic.

Kirsten Nicolson, Business Gateway Service manager, said: “The survey also demonstrated that online marketing was considered a significant opportunity for Orkney businesses with proposals  currently being assessed under a future Orkney Marketing programme.

“We will now look at the information gathered in the survey this time round and where possible translate the key issues and challenges faced by our local businesses into development initiatives and new schemes of assistance.”

The full results of the survey are available at www.orkney.gov.uk