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Cluster of E.coli cases in Orkney being investigated

NHS Orkney and Orkney Islands Council are currently investigating a small cluster of apparently unlinked cases of E.coli O157 infection.

Currently there are five instances being investigated, of which there are two confirmed cases of E.coli. Two patients are receiving treatment in hospital.

Dr Louise Wilson, director of public health, NHS Orkney, said: “The cases have occurred in two different areas of Orkney and there is no current indication that there is a link between the cases in these two areas.

“When we start an investigation it is not uncommon to find other people with symptoms or who are positive on testing.

“We are working closely with the environmental health team from OIC to try and identify a source for the infections and the investigation is ongoing.

“E.coli O157 infections are often associated with environmental exposure, but can also be food-related.

“One of the simplest things that can be done to prevent infection with E. coli O157 is to wash your hands thoroughly after using the toilet or changing nappies, and before preparing or eating food.

“It is also important to wash your hands after contact with animals or their environment.”

Information on E.coli can be found on the Health Protection Agency website — www.hpa.org.uk.