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Drop in reported crime in the county

Statistics published today, Thursday, show that reported crime in Orkney fell by 16.5 per cent in the year end for 2013/14.

According to Police Scotland’s latest management information report, the number of reported crimes in the county dropped from 436 in 2012/13 to 364 in 2013/14.

However, the number of break-ins, including attempted, increased, from eight in 2012/13 to 25 in 2013/14.

The local figures mirror those of the entire Highlands and Islands area, which was a decrease in reported crime of 16.2 per cent.

Divisional Commander Chief Superintendent Julian Innes said: “This management report demonstrates Police Scotland Highland and Islands Division continued effort to make the Highlands and Islands a safe and welcoming place to live, work and visit.

“Our policing priorities are structured by listening to people in local communities across the Highlands and Islands and understanding what matters to them, where they live.”

He added: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank police officers, Special Constables, police staff and partner agencies for their support in helping to progress the Divisions’s aims and objectives over the past year. Their commitment and professionalism has helped to maintain a service that remains visible, accessible and responsive to the needs of our communities.”

The management information report is available on the Police Scotland website.