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Final reminder on postal votes

Over 3,000 voters have now registered for a postal vote in Orkney.

Those who would also like to vote by post are reminded that they must apply to do so – application forms are not being sent out automatically

Sanday, Stronsay, Eday, Rousay, Egilsay, Wyre, Gairsay, Shapinsay, Hoy & Walls, Flotta and Westray are joining Papa Westray, North Ronldsay and Graemsay in a postal vote system this election.

Application forms can be downloaded from the council website or you can also pick up a form from your local community council clerk.   These must be returned to the Electoral Registration Office in Kirkwall by 5pm this Wednesday – April 18.

Signed forms can be faxed or emailed in on April 18, but these do need to be followed up, as soon as possible, with a signed, paper copy.

Postal vote packs, including your ballot paper and accompanying instructions, will be sent out on Monday, April 23.