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Firms to be asked about future prospects

A major OIC survey of Orkney businesses is to take place in the New Year.

The aim is to assess how companies large and small are dealing with current economic conditions – and to discover if there are barriers that could affect their future prospects.

The survey is the first of its kind to be conducted by Orkney Islands Council’s economic development unit and its Business Gateway service.

To ensure the survey generates as much valuable information as possible, it is being developed with the help of industry groups from Orkney’s business sectors.

“It’s important to give businesses across Orkney advance notice of the survey,” said Councillor Ian Johnstone, chairman of the council’s development and regeneration committee.

“As it is due to take place early next year, people in our business community might like to start thinking now about the sort of responses they’ll want to give.

“In these challenging economic times, we want to find out how local businesses are faring – and seek their views on how the Council and other agencies can best support them.”

More information about the business support survey will be provided closer to the time of its launch.