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Fixed links on OIC agenda

Fixed links in Orkney’s North Isles are due to be discussed by OIC councillors today, Tuesday, at a meeting of the development and infrastructure committee.

In February, the committee agreed to allocate a budget of £5,000 towards reviewing existing data on fixed links.

Members also agreed that a further report on fixed links, together with a feasibility and cost appraisal of a number of options, should be submitted to the meeting.

The options include:

  • a detailed study of an Eday to Westray fixed link;
  • a study to consider the links to Papa Westray should Eday receive a new west side ferry terminal;
  • a study to consider the ferry service for Sanday, Stronsay and North Ronaldsay, should Eday receive a new west-side ferry terminal;
  • refreshing previous work on a tunnel to Shapinsay;
  • a study into the provision of a fixed link between Rousay and Egilsay;
  • a study into the provision of a fixed link between Rousay and Wyre.