Saturday, March 15
  • Kirkwall
  • Kirkwall Airport
  • Stromness
  • North Ronaldsay
  • South Ronaldsay

Cruise Arrivals


Local people invited to evening reception

Local people in Orkney are being invited to an evening reception by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) in the Ayre Hotel, Kirkwall, at 7pm on Wednesday, September 19.

SNH is the Scottish Government’s advisor on the management, enjoyment, understanding and sustainable use of Scotland’s wildlife, natural habitats and landscape. Andrew Thin, SNH chairman, will host the event, along with local area manager Lesley Cranna.

Mr Thin said: “The evening will provide an opportunity for informal discussion about the work of SNH in the area, what we do and why; giving people the
opportunity to raise issues relating to the natural environment which are of interest to them. This is about making senior people in SNH more accessible to the public and is also a really useful way for us to keep in touch with public perceptions of the organisation. We certainly hope many people will be able to come along and we look forward to meeting them on the night.”

The event is free and tea and coffee will be provided. Further information is available from the Kirkwall office on 01856 875302.