Orkney folk urged to join garden mammal survey

Summer is approaching and you may have spotted a furry friend or two roaming about your garden in recent weeks.
If you have, People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is keen to hear from you as it launches its wildlife Living with Mammals survey for 2021.
PTES saw record-breaking numbers of volunteers taking part last year, thanks to more people being at home and having the time to watch wildlife in their gardens and/or nearby green spaces. The result was a huge increase in the number of mammal sightings, from hazel dormice on bird feeders to hedgehogs snuffling in gardens after dark.
The trust believes that participation sparked a newfound appreciation, love and interest in nature for many, in all corners of the country.
PTES is keen to build on this positive relationship with nature made during the past year and is asking folk to look out for and record sightings and signs of wild mammals (such as footprints and droppings) in their gardens or local green spaces. Anyone in the UK can take part in Living with Mammals, by looking in gardens, allotments, parks and other green spaces.
To take part or find out more, you can visit www.livingwithmammals.ptes.org