Orkney voters head to the polls

Today, Thursday, Orcadians will go to the polls to play their part in deciding Scotland’s future.
High turnouts are expected across the country for the 2014 Independence Referendum and, with both sides campaigning right up to the last minute, the result is expected to be close.
Polling stations opened at 7am this morning, and will close at 10pm. The count will then take place at the KGS dining area.
A local result is expected at around 3am on Friday morning with the national vote due to be announced at breakfast time.
There are 17,377 registered voters in the county, including 460 people under the age of eighteen.
On their ballot paper they will be asked “Should Scotland be an independent country? Yes/No” and they will need to mark an X in either the ‘yes’ box for Scottish independence, or the ‘no’ box to remain part of the United Kingdom.