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Planning the way forward for the seas around us

A plan will be prepared next year to guide development activity in the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters.

Marine Scotland, Orkney Islands Council and Highland Council have set up a working group to take forward the project and are encouraging stakeholders to get involved in the development of the plan.

A document can be downloaded from the Marine Scotland website that sets out how the Marine Spatial Plan will be developed – and the opportunities for stakeholders to take part in the process.

The organisations involved in preparing the plan will examine how future development, including wave and tidal projects, can be delivered in ways that balance the needs of other users of the seas and which ensure that the marine environment is protected.

They will look at the requirements of the marine renewable energy sector, inshore fisheries, aquaculture, shipping and navigation, the oil and gas industries, recreation by local people and visitors, and tourism.

When completed in 2014, the pilot plan will be used to inform marine development decision making in the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters.

Click here for more details.