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Reminder to local groups regarding Crown Estate funding

Northern Isles MP Alistair Carmichael is once again encouraging local groups to register for funding under the UK government’s Crown Estate Coastal Communities Fund.

Groups have until April 27 to register for grants. Capital and revenue grants in excess of £50,000 are available for a wide range of applicant organisations and projects which benefit coastal communities. Application forms are now available via the Big Lottery Fund Website.

Mr Carmichael said: “For many years, coastal communities have seen the money that the Crown Estate raises from the marine estate benefit people in other areas of the country. This is money that should be supporting jobs and services in coastal regions, such as Orkney and Shetland, and the new UK Government coastal communities fund is a positive step in this regard.

“Grants of more than £50,000 are available to groups seeking to boost economic development and training opportunities locally. I would encourage all those who think that they could benefit from this funding to consider making an application.”