• Kirkwall
  • Kirkwall Airport
  • Stromness
  • North Ronaldsay
  • South Ronaldsay

Cruise Arrivals


Round Orkney Walk

A local man will attempt to circumnavigate Orkney’s mainland over the next few days, to raise funds for charity, Go Commando.

Former Royal Marine, Richard Walker, from Deerness, is due to leave Kirkwall at 4am tomorrow morning, Thursday, before he tries to travel around the entire coastline of the mainland, without any sleep.

The route will remain on major and minor roads as close to the coastline as possible, in the interests of safety.

He believes it will be the first time that such a feat has ever been accomplished, without sleep, and expects to finish the 146 mile trip in around 2 and a half days. He does, however acknowledge and respect others who have circumnavigated Orkney.

More information can be obtained from Richard’s Just Giving site —www.justgiving.com/whiskey-walker-orkney-challenge — on which donations can also be accepted.

Further details on Go Commando can be found at www.gocommando.org.uk.