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Views sought on internal air and ferry services

Isles residents are being urged to complete a survey of the county’s internal ferry services, which, says the OIC, will help shape the development of the service.

The survey is open to residents from the outer and inner North Isles and the South Isles.

The research also touches on inter-isles flights, with survey results feeding into work with the Scottish Government to analyse the current ferry provision, as well as the council’s current air and ferry study looking at the mix of transport services for the outer isles.

Vice-chairman of the OIC’s development and infrastructure committee, Councillor Graham Sinclair, said: “It’s important as we look at planning for internal ferry services in the future to know what people’s needs are – how often they use the ferries, and for what purposes, as well as looking and when and why folk choose to travel by air.

“We also want to try and gauge if we have a good mix of capacity and frequency on the ferries, and if there are any areas of new or growing demand.

“These services are vital to the health and wellbeing of our isles communities – so I’d urge residents to take part.”

Closing date for responses 3 September

To complete the survey online, click here.