55 years service to the RNLI

A Longhope lifeboat man who had dedicated 55 years voluntary service to the RNLI has been awarded for his long service to the lifesaving charity.
George Taylor was only 14 years old when he first became involved with Longhope Lifeboat as a volunteer shore crew member 55 years ago, and it has been part of his life ever since.
Now aged 69, he still plays an active role within the station as Deputy Launch Authority.
He is also deeply associated with the Longhope Lifeboat Museum at Brims and spends many hours showing visitors around the former lifeboat station where he first volunteered as a young man. Housed within the building is the vintage lifeboat, Thomas McCunn which is still launched on special occasions.
Along with his partner Ivy, George was invited by the RNLI to attend the award ceremony in Perth recently, where he was presented with a well deserved long service silver badge in recognition of his valuable service.
The award was presented to George by the youngest serving RNLI coxswain in Britain, Andrew McHaffie from Tobermory.