A paint job with a difference

(Picture: Lindsay Reid)
Orkney Islands Council has just put out a challenging paint job out to tender – and one which has not been carried out for two decades – the painting of the Nevi Skerry navigation beacon at the entrance to Scapa Flow.
The council explained that as a harbour authority, the OIC has an obligation to maintain all its navigational marks. This work is usually carried out on contract by the Northern Lighthouse Board, but in the case of the Nevi Skerry beacon, which is situated in the north of Hoxa Sound, it falls to the OIC.
According to the council, the job will involve painting the beacon black with a red stripe, which is known as it’s day mark. In darkness it’s identifiable by the light on the top. It marks the presence of a skerry and therefore warns passing ships of potential danger.
A council spokesman added: “This is a job that doesn’t happen very often – the last time it was carried out was 20 years ago. It would have been carried out by harbours staff at that time but nowadays, with increased health and safety regulations, it has to be tackled in a slightly safer manner.”
The cost of completing the job could have a high price tag.
The council spokesman added: “The potential high cost is due to a number of reasons. It is quite a large structure of 6.5metres and is of cast iron construction and will require special preparation. It’s in a fairly inaccessible location and will therefore require a suitable vessel for transport and standby duty.
“Scaffolding will need to be erected and the disruption that weather and tides will bring means that it could be a lengthy job. We are expecting the coatings will last at least 10 years and that the contractor will provide a full technical specification supplied by a painting inspector.”
According to the council, it is hoped that the painting contract will commence in May.