Access restrictions at Kirkwall Harbour next week

Access to areas around Kirkwall Harbour will be restricted for short periods early next week while work on the council’s flood prevention scheme continues.
The latest stage of the scheme will see the fitting of flood gates and barriers at the Ayre Road car park and the entrance to Kirkwall Pier.
As a result, access to car parks and Kirkwall pier will be restricted or closed for the following times next week:
• Monday, December 4, 8pm to 11pm; FB01 (Ayre Road Car Park / Shapinsay Slip).
• Tuesday, December 5, 8pm to 11pm; FB03 (Kirkwall Pier).
Construction of Kirkwall’s flood defence scheme began along the central shoreline in February this year.
The scheme has seen the construction of a minimum 1.1m high uninterrupted flood barrier running from Ayre Mills to St Catherine’s Place roundabout, which will help to protect low lying parts of central Kirkwall against storm surge flooding.
The £1.75m project has been 80 per cent funded by the Scottish Government and was required under the Flood Risk Management Act.
The work has been carried out by local building and construction company Andrew Sinclair Ltd.