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Ba’ booklet launched this weekend

screen-shot-2016-12-02-at-11-25-19In this, the run up to Ba’ season, a booklet giving a personal account of playing in the unique game on the streets of Kirkwall is set be launched this weekend.

‘A Ba’ Player’s Journey’ goes on sale in Kirkwall on Saturday, and is told by retired Uppie ba’ winner Alan Findlay, containing accounts of his experiences in the game.

Mr Findlay will be on hand at The Orcadian Bookshop to sign copies between 10.30am – 12.30pm on Saturday.

Originally from Kirkwall, but now living in Aberdeenshire, Mr Findlay is a double Uppie winner. He won a Boys’ Ba’ on New Year’s Day 1956 and a Men’s Ba’ on Christmas Day 1973.

The booklet is filled with personal memories of his experiences playing the ba’, and is a fascinating first person insight and record of what it meant to be a Ba’ player in that era.

Past and present Ba’ players will all find stories to interest them within its pages.These stories are formed and recorded for the publication from information and memories passed by Alan during an interview with former journalist Robert Leslie. Robert’s father, Bobby Leslie, also assisted with the work which has gone into the publication.

A Ba’ Player’s Journey  will also be of interest to spectators and supporters of the Kirkwall Ba’.

As well as the written accounts of various incidents in many of the games Alan took part in, the publication is illustrated with newspapers cuttings from The Orcadian of the era, and several vintage photographs of the action taking place throughout the streets of Kirkwall.