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Beechgrove Garden makes Orkney visit

Jim McColl, Carole Baxter, and George Anderson from The Beechgrove Garden paid a visit to Orkney, this week, as part of their annual roadshow.

Green-fingered Orcadians were excited this week to welcome three BBC television presenters.

Jim McColl, Carole Baxter, and George Anderson from The Beechgrove Garden were on-hand in gardens throughout the county to give Orkney horticulturalists a slice of wisdom, as part of their annual roadshow.

As well as hosting a Q & A panel at King Street Halls, Kirkwall, last night, Tuesday, they also took the opportunity to enjoy some of the bonniest gardens Orkney has to offer. This included a community garden in South Ronaldsay which they helped to install during their 2015 visit.