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Car parking charges to return

Car parking charges are due to come back into force in council car parks on July 15.

This is in line with an expected lifting of national travel restrictions from this date — and therefore increased use of the car parks as hotels, pubs, restaurants and shops prepare to reopen.

Some car parking enforcement will come into place immediately though, as parking attendants check for overstay in time limited bays and abuse of disabled and permit bays.

Staff will take this time to maintain and repair ticket machines to ensure these are in full working order in advance of charges returning

Car parking charges were suspended from March 31 as part of OICs response to the coronavirus pandemic.

The aim was to support NHS staff who may need to park at various locations and to support local businesses providing essential supplies.

Now with more movement permitted, and visitors expected, charges are being re-introduced to ensure that town centre car parking is managed effectively to ensure availability for as many town centre users as possible.

Increased car parking charges scheduled for April have been delayed until the traditional “one hour free parking” offer comes into effect on October 1.

The predicted loss of income to the council is a significant cost likely to exceed £200k in 2020/21 financial year.