Carmichael welcomes victory in tug boat battle

Orkney and Shetland MP, Alistair Carmichael, today welcomed news that the battle to secure the provision of an Emergency Towing Vessel in the Northern Isles has been won.
The contract for the coastguard tug was due to expire on September 30, 2016, but transport minister Robert Goodwill has now said it will be extended.
Mr Carmichael said: “Today’s announcement is a victory for all those who have fought so hard to make the case for the Emergency Towing Vessel stationed here to protect our coastline and waters.
“The tug is our environmental insurance policy and it should never have been threatened in this way, but I am delighted that our campaign has been successful.
“I hope that the government will now be more creative in how they use this vessel and that there will be no further uncertainty over its future.”