Ceremony held for those lost in wartime plane crash

A small informal ceremony was held this morning to mark the 70th anniversary of a plane crash which saw the loss of 13 men.
On the March 31 1945 a B-24 ‘Liberator’ Bomber crashed at Walliwall, St Ola. Only one of the 14 crew members onboard the plane survived.
The crew killed, in what has been called the “carpetbaggers’ tragedy”, were six members of the Norwegian Special Forces and an US Army Airforce crew of seven.
At today’s ceremony, which took place at the site of the crash, the names of those lost were read out by Orkney’s honorary consul to Norway, Leslie Burgher, and flowers and wreaths were laid in remembrance.
An exert from ‘For the Fallen’ was read by chairman of the Kirkwall Branch of the Royal British Legion, Eddy Ross, and a minute of silence was held.
There are also plans for a plaque to be installed at the site.