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Changes to housing in the countryside guidance — consultation launched

 Orkney Islands Council is seeking the public’s views on proposed changes to its planning guidance for housing in the countryside.

Orkney Islands Council is seeking feedback on proposed changes to its planning guidance for housing in the countryside.

The guidance provides people with information and advice about the planning process and what they need to take into account when considering a housing project in rural areas of the county.

The most recent guidance was published in 2017 and, following a period of monitoring, a consultation is taking place on an updated version in the document.

The council has said the majority of the proposed changes are minor in nature. However, there are three areas where there is more significant change — and this is reflected in the consultation questionnaire.

These involve accommodating the drainage for a new home, the definition of a building or structure that is to be replaced by another, and the definition of curtilage — the area of land associated with a particular property.

The consultation runs until June 20. You can provide your views here: http://www.orkney.gov.uk/Council/C/supplementary-guidance-housing-in-the-countryside.htm

Susan Shearer, senior planner with OIC, said: “The Council aims to support sustainable development in Orkney’s rural communities, while recognising the need to protect the county’s landscape and productive farmland.

“The housing in the countryside supplementary guidance plays an important role in helping to achieve this and I would encourage people to take a look at the consultation and get back to us with feedback.”

Views on the consultation can also be sent by email to devplan@orkney.gov.uk or by letter to Development and Planning, Council Offices, School Place, Kirkwall, Orkney KW15 1NY.