Chief officer for integrated social care and health service appointed

A chief officer has been appointed for the new joint board that will deliver integrated health and social care services for Orkney.
Caroline Sinclair, who was appointed following interviews held recently, has been head of service and chief social work officer with Orkney Health and Care, a partnership arrangement between NHS Orkney and Orkney Islands Council, since 2011.
Across Scotland, local authorities and health boards are putting in place new arrangements for integrated social care and health services.
For a number of years, Orkney Islands Council and NHS Orkney have worked together to provide a wide range of shared services under the partnership banner of Orkney Health and Care.
The new body – the Integrated Joint Board – will be funded by the two organisations and have responsibility for planning and operational oversight of delegated services.
Through the chief officer, it will be responsible for the operational management of these integrated services.