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Childhood experiences documentary shown in Orkney

Resilience, a groundbreaking documentary on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) is available for public screenings in communities throughout Orkney, starting in St Margaret’s Hope next Wednesday evening.

Following a showing of the documentary last May, six Third Sector organisations formed an ACEs collective to look at how this new science can contribute to improving health outcomes and life circumstances for children, families and communities here in Orkney.

Local campaigner Kevin Denvir said: “There is a strong body of evidence emerging that confirms the experience a child has at home with parents is the strongest predictor of future health, happiness and success. Parenting, it transpires, has a bigger bearing on the well-being of our children than the school they go to, the incomes we have, the holidays they go on, the clubs they attend, those extra lessons or even possessions! A child’s emotional intelligence and sense of security is clearly linked to the quality of their relationship with their parents or key caregivers.

“Over 20 years ago a research study of over 17000 mainly middle class Americans, by Vince Felliti and Rob Anda, came up with the phrase Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). The study has attracted considerable attention over the recent years and has led to both Westminster and Holyrood parliaments looking at changes aimed at tackling ACEs. It is not an easy task however, as what is emerging highlights the multi generational and systemic nature of a highly complex societal problem.

“The Orkney ACEs collective bought the public performance licence rights for the film and intend to show it throughout Orkney over the coming months. It is hoped by raising public awareness and understanding of this new science we can better support people who have experienced ACEs and provide more effective help when and where it is needed.”

The next showing of the highly acclaimed film will be in The Cromarty Hall, St Margaret’s Hope on February 28, at 7pm.
The film will be followed by a question and answer discussion, supported by Scott Hunter (Social Work head of Children and Families) and Councillor Steve Sankey.

More information is available on – https://calmerfamily.com/2018/02/13/resilience-the-biology-of-stress-and-the-science-of-hope-2/
Booking can be made via – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/resilience-the-biology-of-stress-and-the-science-of-hope-tickets-42272835188