Coastguards honoured with national rescue award

For their actions in saving the lives of two late night swimmers in Inganess Bay last summer, members of Kirkwall Coastguard Rescue Team were last night, Wednesday, presented with a prestigious national award.
The swimmers had been in the freezing waters for 40 minutes, and were described as being just minutes from death at the time of being saved, back in June 2015.
Team member Alan Corse, a trained rescue swimmer, volunteered to go into the sea to rescue the swimmers after the team, including officer-in-charge Willie Neish, decided that this was the best course of action, given the urgency of the situation.
Mr Corse was attached by lines to the team on shore, who pulled the swimmers back to the beach while Mr Corse held on to them.
At the time, the rescue made headlines throughout the UK.
HM Coastguard head of coastal operations Charles Ball travelled to Orkney from Southampton to make the presentation of the shield to the team, with divisional commander Sue Todd, based in Aberdeen, also making the trip north for the occasion.
• Coastguards in Orkney were joint recipients of the same award along with British Airways Rescue Helicopters for their actions in saving the lives of the 12 man crew of the trawler Navena in a Force 12 gale off Copinsay in December 1973.
Further details in The Orcadian.