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Community learning — what are your views?

workshopAn online survey was launched today to help guide future community learning and development work in the county.

Every Community Planning Partnership (CCP) in Scotland must develop a three-year plan for community development for their area. The local survey asks people what opportunities they value in Orkney, what is important within their community, and where they think any gaps or inequalities might exist.

Orkney’s Community Planning Partnership (OCPP) will also hold public meetings and workshops, as well as “twitter hours” to gather ideas and feedback from the community. There are also plans to train ten young people to run consultation sessions with their peers — through schools, youth groups and the like.

Karen Greaves, the chairwoman of the OCPP’s strategic community learning group, said: “Community learning and development is more than just evening classes. It’s about empowering people to make positive changes in their lives and their communities through learning — for example, involvement in development trusts, community associations, playgroups, arts, crafts and sports groups, youth work and lunch clubs.

“So it’s important we have a well-researched overarching plan for the county on how we’ll work together to support folk to be active, engaged learners.”

Orkney’s Plan must be in place by September and the survey is available at www.surveymonkey.com/s/orkneylearns.