Consultants appointed to investigate abattoir requirements
Orkney Islands Council, in partnership with Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), has appointed consultants to undertake a study of the county’s future abattoir needs.
According to the OIC, the study will also evaluate the potential markets for Orkney beef, lamb and locally-produced pork.
The consultants from Promar International Limited, supported by specialists from Eblex Consulting, will undertake the study over the summer, with a report due by the end of September.
Following the closure of Orkney Meat Limited in 2012, Orkney Meat Processors Limited (OMPL), a consortium of local butchers, was formed, with support from the OIC and HIE, to ensure the continued supply of Orkney beef and lamb.
However, the current council-owned abattoir, at Hatston, is too large for the current level of throughput.