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Council seeks comments on updated core paths plan

East Coast core path on South Ronaldsay

Orkney Islands Council  (OIC) has published a reviewed Core Paths plan for public comment.

According to the council, the revised plan takes into account comments and suggestions from members of the public, councillors and landowners gathered over the last few months.

Each council in Scotland is required to publish a network of paths which link places of historical and cultural interest or of natural beauty. Orkney’s Core Paths network has been in place since 2008.

Planning manager with OIC, Stuart West said: “We’d like to thank everyone who has contributed to the review of core paths in Orkney over the latter part of last year.

“Based on that feedback, we’ve revised the plan to include more circular walking routes, and rationalising the network’s lower quality paths so that finite resources can be focussed to provide most benefit.”

The reviewed plan is available on the Council website www.orkney.gov.uk for a period of 12 weeks. The closing date for comments is June 7 at 5pm.
The reviewed plan is available on the Council website at http://www.orkney.gov.uk/Service-Directory/C/core-paths-plan-review.htm  for a period of 12 weeks.  Comments can be emailed to devplan@orkney.gov.uk