Countdown begins for move to new KGS

With the new Kirkwall Grammar School formally handed over to Orkney Islands Council on Monday, an opening date of Thursday, January 9, 2014, has been set.
For S4-S6 pupils, the school will open for the first time on January 9. All pupils will then attend on Friday, January 10.
Open days will take place over the weekend of December 14 and 15, to give the public the opportunity to visit and look around the new KGS. The school will be open on Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 3pm.
Meanwhile, the major task of moving from the old to the new school begins with the transfer of many hundreds of boxes of equipment over the course of this and the following two weeks.
KGS will then be closed to all pupils on the last three days of the current term (Wednesday to Friday, December 18-20) and for the first two days of the new term (Tuesday and Wednesday, January 7 and 8).
This is to enable the final stages of the move and to give teachers the opportunity to set up their new classrooms ready for the arrival of pupils early in the New Year.