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County Show Committee relax vehicle access restrictions

The Orkney Agricultural Society have announced that they are relaxing restrictions for vehicle access into the Bignold Park after improvements to the ground conditions.

The committee will now be allowing trucks and trailers carrying cattle to come in through the park’s pavilion gates and use the temporary road to get to the cattle pens. The one-way system will then see vehicles leave through the bottom gate on the Meadows side of the park.

Vehicles with horses will come in through the bottom gate on the Meadows side of the park and will leave through the same gate. Stewards will be on hand to guide drivers.

Those delivering items for the trade stands will be allowed into the park on Friday. Depending on the size of their vehicle, they may be allowed into the park or they will be given assistance to carry their goods from the road.

Disabled parking will be located along the Meadows side of the football pitch, with vehicle entry at the top gate at the Meadows side of the park.

The committee have also confirmed that there will be fewer fair ground rides at the show this year in order to minimise damage to the Bignold Park.