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Deadline approaching for arts fund

Artists and craft makers in the county have just a little over two weeks left to apply for funding from the OIC’s Visual Artists and Craft Makers Awards Scheme.

The scheme is aimed at individual artists and craft makers in Orkney for funding their own projects, with grants of up to £1,500 available.

The fund is managed by the council on behalf of Creative Scotland and in the last round of funding, 17 applications were received with four of these awarded funding.

Pam Beasant, the OIC’s arts officer, said: “The fund has proved very popular and we received some fantastic applications last time. A great application form tells us about the artist’s work, their ideas, their track record and how the project will develop them as an artist.

“We give priority to those that clearly demonstrate the quality of work and an on-going commitment to developing a visual arts or crafts practice.”

For more information, contact Pam on 873535 ext 2406 or at pam.beasant@orkney.gov.uk.

The deadline is Monday, February 9, at 5pm.