Deadline for proposed Hoy wind farm comments on Monday

Monday, June 8, sees the deadline pass for members of the public to make their views known about a proposed wind farm on Hoy.
The deadline will pass at 12pm.
The six-turbine wind farm is part of the Orkney Community Wind Farm Project which also includes proposed developments at Quanterness in St Ola and on Faray in the North Isles.
The development proposals for the Hoy wind farm consists of up to six turbines with a maximum blade-tip height of 149.9m and associated infrastructure such as access tracks, crane hardstandings, underground cabling and an on-site substation.
A public event had been planned for Hoy in March, but this was cancelled due to the ongoing restrictions put in place, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
As a result, alternative plans were put in place including phone calls with the project team, an online video and survey, and a live virtual event.
Comments can be submitted through:
- The online feedback form at
- By email to
- By phone to 07818 508323
- By post to Kirsty Groundwater, Project Officer, Orkney Islands Council, Town House, Stromness, KW16 3AA