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Don’t miss out on unclaimed benefits


Many losing out financially, says Citizens Advice Bureau

Bill Scott, director of policy at Inclusion Scotland.

The Scottish Citizens Advice service says many Scots are losing out financially by not claiming benefits that they are entitled to.

The CAB service is offering a free phone number (0800 085 7145), which is running for a two week period to help citizens understand what they are entitled to and how to claim it.

The help-line is free and will be available until March  17.

People can also check their entitlements at their local CAB by asking for a benefits check, or find out more information at www.citizensadvice.org.uk/scotland/benefits/

Citizens Advice Scotland spokesperson Keith Dryburgh said: “Many of the cases dealt with by the CAB service are people who not claiming benefits which they are entitled to, and which could help them financially.

“Changes in circumstances, such as the birth of a child, or an illness, can often change people’s entitlements, so it’s important that people know this and access the support that they are entitled to.

“The benefits system is complex, and people don’t always know what they can apply for or how to go about doing it.

“The CAB service can do a benefits check for you, to see that you are getting all the help you are entitled to.

“It’s amazing how many times we find that people are in fact missing out on some money because they didn’t know about it.

“This can be just a few pounds a week, or it could be much more than that.

“So our message this fortnight to all Scots is that there may be money out there that you are entitled to, but not getting. Why not check and see?

“It’s free to phone this number, and the advisers there are CAB staff who are experts in this. Like all CAB staff, they are also impartial and will treat your case in total confidence.”

Social security is an investment in everyone and is there to help people when they need it most.   Many people across Scotland will need support at some point in their lives, but may be unaware of the benefits they are entitled to.

Bill Scott, director of policy at Inclusion Scotland, works with disabled people every day and explained why he feels it’s important that people realise what they are entitled to.

“As part of my job, I’ve spoken to literally thousands of disabled people. I’m constantly amazed at just how many aren’t receiving all the benefits that they could be.

“As a result, billions of pounds in social security goes unclaimed every year.”

He added: “A lot of stigma has been created around claiming benefits, which can make people feel that they are perceived as looking for a handout.

“But the social security system was set up to provide us with help to get through difficult periods in our lives.

“This support is an entitlement, not a handout, and everyone should claim what they are due.”