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Draft council plan available to view


Orkney Islands Council’s priorities for the next five years, and its plan for meeting these priorities, are now available to view, in draft form, on the OIC website.

The plan sets out seven key priorities for the current council:

  • Care and support for those who need it.
  • Promote successful, thriving communities
  • Housing to meet the needs of Orkney’s people
  • A low carbon Orkney – renewables, energy and opportunity
  • Orkney’s economic development
  • Orkney’s transport networks
  • What we need to do – which relates to how the council will be dealing with legislative changes

For each priority a series of targets have been set as well as explanations of how and when the council intends to meet them.

OIC convener, Councillor Steven Heddle, said: “Our plan for 2013-2018 sets out what we want to do for Orkney.  It describes our ambitions and where we want to put our efforts over the coming years.  It is the result of the contribution of ideas and debate by all the elected members of this new council.”

He added: “Before the plan is finalised, in March, we want to give the public a chance to see the plan and give us their views and ideas as we look towards Orkney’s future.”

Paper copies will be available from the OIC’s customer services in Kirkwall, the Stromness cash office, the Kirkwall and Stromness libraries and mobile library vans.

Comments on the plan can be emailed to councilplan@orkney.gov.uk