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East Mainland Show gets underway

The overall cattle Champion at last year’s East Mainland Show was this cross heifer calf exhibited by Balfour Baillie, Sebay Cottage, Tankerness.
Featured image: sheep judging underway at last year’s show. (www.theorcadianphotos.co.uk)

Orkney’s second agricultural show of the summer, the East Mainland Show, kicks off this morning, in Toab village.

With the best of the area’s horses, cattle, sheep, goats, dogs, and pets on display, judging is set to commence at the show ground after 9am.

Now in its 118th year, the show will also include craft and catering tents, activities for children, a Highland Dance performance and there may just be something special planned for the show jumping ring.

The area’s industrial show will also be held in the Industrial show will also be held in the Tankerness Hall.