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End of the road for Kirkwall BID

KirkwallBIDAfter an unsuccessful attempt to appoint a chairperson, the Kirkwall Business Improvement District (BID) initiative is being scrapped.

Launched in 2013, the BID’s aim was to give Kirkwall town centre businesses an opportunity to influence developments that would bring new life to the area as well as increasing footfall in the town and delivering a strong trading environment to support employment.

Doubt was cast on its future in April 2014, after all but one of the board directors tendered their resignation.

Following an Extraordinary General Meeting on Wednesday evening, it was concluded that the organisation could not be considered viable and could no longer meet its obligation to run Kirkwall BID on behalf of the members.

Orkney Islands Council has been informed of the situation.

Under the Scottish legislative provisions for creating and managing Business Improvement Districts it will fall to the OIC to decide the next steps. As of now, Kirkwall BID still exists, but is unmanaged.