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Firewalkers at the Peedie Sea


A team of fundraisers will be firewalking at the Peedie Sea this evening, to raise funds for a volunteering trip to Cambodia.

Dental professionals Fiona Lennox and Lizzie Linklater are raising funds for their volunteering trip to Cambodia, with the international dental charity Dentaid.

During the two-week trip they will see up to 1,000 patients, many of them children, who are suffering because they can’t afford dental treatment.

They will be setting up makeshift clinics in rural communities, slum areas and remote locations, as well as offering oral health education and teeth-brushing advice.

Fiona is a dental therapist with the community dental service based in Kirkwall, and Lizzie works as a dental nurse.

After receiving expert instruction, the firewalkers will walk, barefoot, over a ten-foot stretch of red hot coals.

Approximate timings from the organisers show that the fire-lighting ceremony will be held at 6pm, with participants going to the Rugby Club for a firewalking workshop. The firewalking procession should then start around 7.50pm.