First three groups take to the stage for 2015 Drama Festival

The Orkney district Scottish Community Drama Association (SCDA) One Act Drama Festival kicks off tonight, Wednesday, with eight groups competing in the annual competition.
The festival, in the Orkney Theatre, runs for the next three nights and this year’s adjudicator is Dr Russell Boyce, who returns to Orkney, having performed the role before, in 2008.
Tonight will see three groups take to the stage:
- Palace Players (Youth) with Down Came the Rain (drama by Burgess Clark and directed by Erika Leslie).
- Assiepattle Players with In the Mood (comedy by Frank Gibbons and directed by Richard Herdman)
- St Andrew’s Drama Club with Dig for the Diggers (drama by Lynn Brittney and directed by Ida Alexander)
The winner of the Orkney division will be announced at the end of Friday night’s performances, with the winning play then eligible to compete in the SCDA Northern Divisional Finals.