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Fishing boat crew thank NHS after three aboard test positive

The crew of an Orkney fishing boat has thanked NHS Orkney for its support, after three of the vessel’s crew members tested positive for COVID-19.

Peter Harcus, who owns the Caspian K told The Orcadian that NHS Orkney staff had worked quickly to test all crew members, after three took ill while offshore.

He added that those affected were making a good recovery in self-isolation, and that the boat is currently tied up in Kirkwall.

These words of gratitude follow confirmation from the health authority, this afternoon, Friday, that three new cases of the virus had been linked to an Orkney vessel.

According to NHS Orkney, these cases are not believed to be linked to any of the other recent cases identified in the county.

In the past week, a total of 11 new cases of coronavirus have been attributed to Orkney, bringing the total number recorded in the county to date to 56.