Five-year funding commitment for emergency tug

The UK Government is to commit funding for the emergency towing vessel (ETV), currently based off Orkney, transport minister Robert Goodwill announced today.
The UK Government already funds the vessel, which provides assistance to ships around the north and north-west of Scotland.
Its contract was originally reinstated in 2011. Before today’s intervention the arrangement was due to end on September 30, 2016.
Earlier this year, Mr Goodwill asked the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) to look at alternative options for towing provision beyond September.
Speaking today he said: “The emergency towing vessel in Scotland saves lives and protects the Scottish coast from damaging pollution. I am delighted to confirm the UK Government has secured its future by providing funding for the next five years.
“This service is absolutely critical to ensuring emergency services can respond swiftly to incidents off the coast of Scotland.
“We have taken this decision following extensive consultation by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. This is an important measure to ensure maritime safety and pollution prevention measures in the waters around Scotland.”
The MCA review concluded the commercial towage market cannot currently reliably meet the need for a dedicated service to cover the seas around Scotland.
The vessel will help assist ships in difficulty and safeguard local communities and businesses against potential pollution incidents.