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Further reaction over RET from the Northern Isles

The islands councils in Shetland and Orkney must wonder why they speak to the Scottish Government – that’s according to Shetland MSP Tavish Scott, in reaction to the RET scheme being rolled out to island communities on the west coast of Scotland.

Yesterday, Tuesday, the government announced the extension of the scheme on Scotland’s west coast, but, according to Mr Scott, ignored the shipping needs of the Northern Isles.

He is now tabling questions asking whether the Government has had any discussions with SIC and OIC over road equivalent tariff (RET) for the islands internal ferries.

Mr Scott said: “Our Islands Our Future (OIOF) is meant to be a serious negotiation with Government over the assistance Shetland needs for our economic future. Transport is always top of that list.”

He added: “So it beggars belief that the SNP announce another independence bribe for the west coast but ignore our islands. Road equivalent tariff might help Shetland’s internal ferry services as fares are increasingly prohibitive. Yet the SNP Government have not even offered our council any assistance on this. RET might mean lower ferry fares for local people. That would be a significant help for hard pressed island economies.

“Shetlanders will wonder what the point of OIOF is following this decision. Islanders now ask me if there is a blatant policy of nationalist discrimination against the northern isles in the run up to the independence referendum in September.”