Get involved in health and social care services in your area

Orkney Health and Care (OHAC) is looking to get people involved in health and social care services within their communities.
The organisation is looking for users of health and social services, carers and representatives of third sector groups to take part in discussion along with people who work in health and social care services around the county, in what is described as “localities”.
The newly formed board will be planning at a “locality level” and looking for people who are willing to be representatives of their ‘locality’.
Caroline Sinclair, OHAC’s chief officer, said: “We are keen to get people involved in the decisions that are made for health and social care services in Orkney.
“Our vision for integration is to provide better health and social care for all people in Orkney. We want to listen to people, involve them in deciding what care they receive, and invite them to become an active partner in the delivery of care. We firmly believe that this will lead to better outcomes for people, so that they can enjoy better health and wellbeing in their own homes and communities for longer.
“We would encourage people from across Orkney to apply to become a representative so that they can share what issues matter to them, their families and their communities, and so we can find out what residents think services and support could look like, and communities, working with health and care services, can contribute to providing this.”
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