Hatston funding is welcomed

Orkney Islands Council has today welcomed an award of £840,000 from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) towards the £2.1 million development of the Hatston Enterprise Area.
The new Hatston Enterprise Area will eventually provide industrial space to meet the operational and maintenance requirements of the emerging marine energy sector.
The council is working alongside Highlands and Islands Enterprise in developing plans for the Enterprise Area.
The project supported by the ERDF will see a new road built connecting the Hatston Enterprise Area to the Hatston Pier.
The funding will also pay for the installation of utilities and drainage works.
Hatston has been identified by the Scottish Government as being of critical importance to Scotland’s ambitions to develop a commercial-scale wave and tidal energy industry.
In all £20 million of funding from the ERDF will support total investment of £60 million in 43 economic development projects across Scotland.