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Health and social care integration moves ahead

Orkney Islands Council has agreed detailed proposals for the joint board that will plan and deliver integrated health and social care services for the county.

The draft integration scheme sets out how the council and NHS Orkney will work together to set up the new partnership body – and the services it will have responsibility for once it is established.

It is a requirement of the Scottish Government that local authorities and health boards put in place new joint arrangements for the delivery of integrated social care and health services.

A meeting of the full council yesterday decided that the new joint board will take over responsibility for the planning and delivery of social care services for adults and children, along with criminal justice social work services. These are currently provided by Orkney Health and Care. In addition, the new joint board will have responsibility for a small number of housing services limited to aids and adaptation.

The Board of NHS Orkney meets on Wednesday and will hold similar discussions.