Herston Lilly is ‘Hope showyard champion

The Champion of the Showyard title, at today’s South Ronaldsay and Burray Agricultural show, was taken by a Charolais heifer calf owned by 13-year-old Callum Taylor, Hall of Herston, St Margaret’s Hope.
Earlier in the day, the February-born calf, named Herston Lilly, took best continental and champion in the cattle section titles.
The reserve champion of the showyard was the champion of the show’s horse section, an eight-year-old Shetland yeld mare, called Tara, which is owned by J. W. Taylor & Sons, of Aikers, and shown by Sarah Campbell.
The sheep section saw plenty of entries and with the title of champion being taken by a one-crop Cheviot ewe shown by a clearly delighted Sarah Campbell of Tayberry, who had entered sheep in the show in her own name as an exhibitor for the very first time.
The show also saw goat, poultry, dog and pet sections on what was a consistently sunny day.
This year the show was moved across to the other side of ‘Hope village, away from it’s usual spot near the community school and was instead held near the back of the Braeburn Court care facility.