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Ideas and opinions wanted at ‘placemaking’ open day . . .

Orkney Islands Council is inviting the public to share their opinions and ideas on enhancing the Kirkwall town centre at a Kirkwall Placemaking Open Day today, Tuesday.

Early draft sketch “Placemaking” ideas — developed through consultation with user groups such as local businesses, disability groups and transport providers — for Broad Street, the Harbour Front and the Junction Road/Great Western Road — will be on show for comment.

Councillor Bill Stout said: “This is an opportunity for the general public to become involved and feed into these ideas — prior to proposals being drafted for formal public consultation over the summer.”

The open-air event will be held in the Broad Street car park between The Reel and the Cathedral Kirk Green.

According to the council, “placemaking” is a term used to describe the creation of attractive spaces which function well for all — socially, economically and physically. It focuses on the space in between buildings and how people and vehicles may use this in a different way, taking street design, building frontages, signage and the use of different materials into consideration.